Tag Archives: path

La finds my newfound iPhone love “cute”

Many of you out there have had iPhones for like 47 years now. Especially if you happen to work in a super cool industry like advertising, you know how important they are to your productivity and social standing. Well, as of about two weeks ago, I officially joined the club. That’s right, I am no longer a droid-toting pariah. I am the proud owner of a magenta-cased iPhone 4.

La’s iPhone has been a huge part of our working life. Her hipstamatic has documented the majority of our most important moments (as described here). And left up to me, we never would have been able to quality check our iAd while it was in development, as iAds do not work on droids.

Now that I’ve caught up to the rest of my peers technologically, I have some serious time to make up for! I take lots and lots of high-quality photos (mostly of smoothies, La, and my dogs):

I Path my photos so everyone knows my who, what, when, and where:

I facebook message friends pressuring them to Path, too:

I attempt to like foursquare:

I struggle less when it comes to keeping my life in order:

I know when to wear rainboots:

And I decompress after a long, long, long day of work:

I’d like to thank La for being my sherpa through the world of iPhones. Not only has she helped me decide what apps to download and inspired me to be an early adopter, she has clearly taught me how to make phone screengrabs :) Yay!

xo to my snowbunny partner who is halfway to Mammoth by now,


Filed under lali