Monthly Archives: December 2011

Another holly jolly holiday for lali! …a photo essay

Before we get on our respective planes headed toward our respective home states, la and I wanted to WISH YOU ALL AN AMAZING 2011 FINALE by sharing with you the fun memories of the holiday season we’ve accumulated so far…

This time of year, you can’t get away from the office for every holiday party, so we chose to kick off the season with a yum holiday brunch thanks to an invitation from Ashley Ford, followed by a sunny walk through the Marina (which we should TOTALLY do more often, la)
marina sunshine - la
marina sunshine - li

After that, la and I happily scored two tickets to the AICP party at the Roosevelt, complete with synchronized swimmers, He’s My Brother She’s My Sister, and Santa’s Lap
lali & santa
aicp hotness

La and I baked some holiday cookies with our girlfriends — not surprisingly, wearing matching aprons :)
lali bakes
li bakes
la bakes

THEN, it was FINALLY time for the much-awaited Chiat Holiday Party!! We played dress-up:

And swooned over our hot dates:

Adorably, Nick gave Lisa a corsage:

So Lisa gave Nick a kiss:

All in all, lali had a super fun time!

After that shindig wrapped up, this past week at Chiat was practically a ghost town, so la and I took the liberty of actually leaving the office for lunch (truthfully, some Christmas shopping and a couple Wetzels Pretzels). As always, we found an excuse to sing about something. In this case, scrubs:

And for the grand finale, we showed up at the office on Tuesday to discover our Chiat Christmas Bonuses had arrived!!! Pirate Hoodies!!!!! Word.
chiat pirate hoodies

As much as we (what’s the word? oh yeah) …loved… 2011, we can’t WAIT to see what 2012 holds for lali and all the people lali holds dear.

So grab someone you care about and give them a big kiss!! You know, in case the Mayans were right and we only have a few months left.

XO until the new year!!!

PS Creative Directors, please accept our sincerest apologies that we did not get around to making your gifts this year. I promise we did have a good idea, involving buttons. Though, let’s just be honest, we could never top last years Holly Jolly Holiday Hot Toddies, Love lali


Filed under lali

Creative Outlets Outside the Office (part deux)

last week, we learned about la’s secret side skill, photography. now it’s my turn to discuss my extra-curricular creativity, but i’m having a hard time deciding what to share with you lovely people. my high school french teacher used to call me a dilettante, and a friend recently called me the same, and i think it’s probably actually kind of true.

when i was little, it was all about dancing, acting, and singing. i was even on TV a couple times:

in high school, i started drawing a lot:

and even made a few ad campaigns to help get my friends elected to school office. i can’t find the image ANYWHERE but one favorite poster idea went something like this:
POSTER 1: “Hi I’m Troy McLure. Vote for Scott Weckstein for President”
POSTER 2: “Hi I’m Troy McLure. You may remember me from such campaign posters as ‘the one over there’ and ‘this one!’ Vote for Scott Weckstein for President”
(i was really into the simpsons back then. sorry if it’s not funny to anyone now.)

in college, i was a competitive cheerleader, and making up stunts and routines was definitely the most fun way to be creative! (i’m the one in red):
JMU all-girl cheerleading pyramid

i started my own dictionary when i was in 5th grade, i went through a phase where i was passionate about fat-free cooking, then interior design, and i made my own line of tshirts using spray paint. and i’ve always ALWAYS been making up really dumb songs (about the redskins, the bulls, my dogs, my friends, and things that strike me as fun or interesting in any way… and, as my mom reminded me in a comment, recycling, fibbonacci numbers…)

but as a dilettante, you’re not SUPER good at any one thing. luckily my grandparents suggested i “go into advertising” or else who knows what i would have done to make a living :)

lately, my most fun extra-curricular creative activity has been my tumbr, — here, you’ll find things that i make (or shoot) that i find funny!

for example, “social media in the seven kingdoms”


when chipping nail polish resembles geography (click here to see what else my nail polish resembles!)
this nail polish resembles Africa

or my dog penny trying to get me out of a ticket:
penny flirts with a cop

i hope you find what i find funny funny too! and please check back… you just never know what i might find funny next time!!!



Filed under lali

Creative Outlets Outside The Office

Our job titles are “creatives.” We work in a “creative field.” And we work at an office where “creativity” is King with a capital K.

One of the best things about TBWA\Chiat\Day is that they not only support creativity in advertising, but creativity in everything. This place understands that in order to do inspired work, you’ve gotta be inspired. And while a basketball court in the office, cool DJs at lunch, concerts in the parking lot & “creative black tie” holiday parties sure do make for inspiration inside the office, Chiat also supports inspiration outside the office.

They will supplement classes that we take to continue to augment our creative skills. I took them up on that offer.

And just finished my travel photography class at Otis College of Art & Design.

Travel Photography
What makes a great travel photograph? Location, subject, time of day, light, shadow, and color, all play a role in creating a terrific, engaging and memorable image. This course combines location shooting, printing, written documentation, and class critique while covering topics ranging from color to black and white, digital or film, lens focal lengths, composition, and depth of field.

I shot a lot, shared a lot, learned a lot, and was creative outside the office!

Here’s a sampling of work from the class!

And I included a page in my portfolio of Instagram photos (responsible for most of the photos on the lali blog!) because it’s the camera that’s always with me.

xo from la the photog :)

PS Stay tuned for li’s post re: what SHE does creatively outside the office! Besides make up songs for her dogs, of course.

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Filed under lali