Monthly Archives: September 2010

lali, lali, lali, get your adverts here… finally!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! today we’re launching our portfolio site, which you can find by clicking our work above.

for every million ideas, one gets produced, and we’ve compiled our favorites from the last 5 years. hope you like :)

xo, lali

lali adverts portfolio

AND in case you missed our post on february 18…. here’s some schoolhouse rocks for your enjoyment…

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Filed under lali ads

Matching lali outfit plan FAILS!

So, ask my sister Sarah. I love wearing matching outfits. It was something I always wanted to do as a kid in elementary school and even though she was younger than me, she was always too cool to do it.

However, li happens to be about the same cool as me. And we didn’t want to stop at matching toms. No. We both have blue seersucker bermuda shorts. And as LA broke records in heat yesterday (hottest day since 1887 or something crazy. don’t know the actual facts, but you get the idea), shorts were in order today.

So I called li this morning and enthusiastically exclaimed, let’s wear our matching shorts today! To which she even more enthusiastically exclaimed yes!

But sadly, we were supposed to go to the Mill and then BECAUSE OF THE STUPID HEAT there was a power outage. So instead of wasting two hours of her day driving between Long Beach and here, she stayed home to comp away.

And no one got to see our matching outfits. Like maybe the saddest thing ever.

So here it is, digitally. So even if we couldn’t match in the same place in the world today, we could match on our blog.


PS li, purple t-shirt and jeans tomorrow??


Filed under lali

lali gets a youtube plug!

We are so honored to get a plug from Mr. Rob Schwartz in a youtube interview re: Nissan’s latest work! Check it out for yourself here, and feel free to scrub to 4:00 if you want to hear about how terrific we are :)

PS… Rob, we think you’re terrific, too!

If you didn’t see our post about “Kidzilla” — the spot Rob is referencing — check it out on youtube here.

La and I had a little project die today. In our world, you don’t always get your work produced. So when you finally have something running out there, it’s so great to see that people like it! For the record: over 60,000 views on youtube. Not bad for a little commercial about the quality of a four-door sedan!

It’s been a crazy few weeks. With the help of some cool people, La and I have been pioneering into new media frontiers (sorry, the details re top secret). We’re also helping to launch a brand new Nissan car in the digital space, and have two campaigns alive in two different pitches for two different brands. Fingers crossed!

xo and back to work!


Filed under lali ads, lali bosses

lali surround think!!

So, one time, I think it our first couple weeks at Chiat Day, we said something at the same time. Like the exact same words at the exact same time. And the guy we were talking to goes: “Woah, Dolby Surround Sound!” And then li turns to me and goes: “No, LALI Surround Sound!”

And so lali surround sound ™ was born. Until Jimmy at Margarita Mix informed us that since we were only two speakers, it’s technically only lali stereo sound. But lali surround sound sounds better, so we’ll stick with that.

And then Sunday, while working via IM, we had the strangest occurrence. We IMed each other the same thought, and the same time.

Here it is:

And it is now dubbed “lali surround think.” Astounding. We spend so much time together, we not only surround speak but also surround think. Two girls connected by one brain. “lali.”



Filed under lali

The Ad Girls are DJ Sammie for the Week!

So, every week TBWA\Chiat\Day’s cafeteria has a guest DJ and a specialty sandwich, courtesy of a resident musically-inclined employee. For the week of September 20 (yup, that’s this week) it’s lali, the ad girls!

So we have a theme. And being ad girls – of course – it’s all ad based. The idea: concept your own grilled cheese. The ingredients: check the poster. The tunes: songs from commercials.

And for those here at Chiat Day, here are the lali suggestions for our own grilled cheeses:

the la

French country white. Brie. Sliced Apples. Bacon.

the li

Wholegrain bread. Provolone. Turkey. Avocado.

In honor of our advertising themed week of music and melting cheese, we’ve madmened ourselves. What do you think? Lali would OBVIOUSLY be way more than secretaries in 1965.
enlarge here.

And finally, if you’d like the hear a sample of the music that will be blasting through Chaya Playa (Chiat’s cafeteria) this week – let’s call it “adtunes from the adgirls,” check it here!

xo from two ad girls trying to make “sandwiches” in a world of mad men,



Filed under lali, lali music

5353 Fest at TBWA\Chiat\Day!!

So yesterday was 5353 Music Art Fest in the parking lot of TBWA\Chiat\LA. And seriously, Omeed you are amazing for getting it all together. And Michael Gross, thanks for getting all the bands. While li and I were busy yesterday, we weren’t too busy to get a greasy weinir from a hot dog truck, an ice cream cookie, two beers and several songs in between meetings and work. After all, it’s not every ad girl that can work at a place where they throw music festivals in your parking lot.

Now, for a hipstamatic essay on the day:

Omeed gets auctioned off on a date for charity. The winning bid: $120, from a dude.

Fitz and the Tantrums tears it up.

Ad guys and girls are so cool in their converses.

But not cool enough to be in a band, as those guys wear boat shoes and hold guitars.

Local Natives in all their Urban Outfitter catalogue-ness and adorable indie band-ness. Dude, I want THEM back. Press PLAY.

This bird was huge! And farted bubbles. Lali wishes we farted bubbles.

Another fun day at Chiat Day!




Filed under lali, lali music

A little support goes a long way!

When you send off comps to your CD or ACD at midnight, knowing you still have 3 more to do, and fearing crash-and-burn feedback forcing you back to the drawing board… On nights like this, a good email to get back is “Hot shit! this is a great start.” followed by “nice job getting it together. I think it’s fine for today’s meeting.” Phew! I might get a couple hours of sleep afterall!

Then, this morning, a CD ad girl we’ve been moonlighting for emailed “Awesome girls!! Thank u. Really nice to have a fresh perspective. :)”

And of course, there’s our normal CD cheer section who make every project bearable with classics like “love it, don’t change a thing.

Maybe it’s because we’re millennials and we crave affirmation. Or maybe we’re just nice people who like working with other nice people. But this blog goes out to all our bosses who know how to inspire and motivate… and therefore, get more/better work out of us :)

xo, li (and la, of course)

PS… Glylan, thanks for the donuts this morning! Chren, thanks for the thoughtfully-wrapped wedding present and all-around friendliness. And C/M… thanks for making the last 9+ months super fun :)


Filed under lali bosses

Not that this is a wedding blog…

…because it’s not. But I think one more wedding-related post is in order. Li’s creative wedding and La’s mad photography skills were featured on a super cute blog today. See for yourself at

In other news, lali had a great meeting with Apple this morning, and we’re hoping to share a fun new project with you guys in the near future!

xo, li

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Filed under lali

La la la late 20s!

I’ve been getting virtual and real love all day long! That’s cuz it’s my birthday. And birthdays at the office are fun, especially when your partner plasters the wall with photos of your face reading H-A-P-P-Y BIRTHDAY L-A-U-R-E-N-!

And when your mom sends you cupcakes that make you feel sick and have you walking into meetings with people saying: “It smells like someone’s baking!” and sends you flowers that might even overpower the smell of funfetti.

And when your friends that don’t work with you love you enough to post on your facebook wall!

However, the day will get a lot more fun when I can leave the office, put on pajamas, and have a boyfriend cook me dinner. I won’t even lift a finger to help do the dishes. Unless its to rinse out a wine glass. Nevermind, I may have him do that for me too.

xo to li who made me signs, mom who sent me goodies, my friends who signed my wall and bought me drinks on friday and to Noro for dinner and Samson for spooning this morning,


PS I actually celebrated Friday night, and judging by the photo, I was not at the office.


Filed under lali

Whose mom wrote this?

Asks Chris Adams, our creative director.

See his email that made me laugh out loud in a very serious meeting.

And it came from the comments on Kidzilla, screengrabbed here.

It’s kind of an awesome comment. That neither of our mom’s wrote. Mine probably does not have a YouTube account and would definitely not comment on any of my spots – she didn’t even respond to the email I sent her with it attached! and li’s mom would have said something like, and I quote li:

“Wowee, awesome! Good job sweetie!”

So on that note, let’s hope we get more great comments and hilarious emails from strangers and creative directors.




Filed under lali