Monthly Archives: January 2011

More Missions for Donuts!

Nissan Juke CYOA

So, blog readers, lali has been working on a lot of Juke and therefore you’ve been reading a lot about Juke. Seems like we can’t stop blogging about it. Guess that’s just how car launches go, and how our life as creatives go when we’re working on a car launch.

With yet another reason to go on a mission to get donuts, we turned our iAd into a YouTube choose your own adventure of sorts.

Here’s chapter 1: “ACCEPT”

Now, the adventure is fun and all. And it looks cool. And there’s some funny lines for those who read them – mothertrucker, meoww, employee of the month!.

But the funnest lines weren’t the ones we wrote, but the comments we got on the videos…

Such as:
“I’m a beast, and my dude became employee of the month in less than 5 mins. CAN’T BEAT THAT!!!”


(after choosing to flirt with the hot girl instead of deliver the donuts)
“i lost and got a hot date
even when i fail I win


the kind lali can give each other lali surround pats on the back for:
“Why can’t all ads be this fun?”
“wow using the youtube features to have a choose-your-own-adventure_ that pretty good marketing”
“This is probably the most fun thing Ive done all day.”


the obligatory video smashing that always comes with YouTube posts:
“i’m so bored. i’m acually doing this lame ass shit… lol
anyone else here for that reason?? XD”
“that sucked balls…”
“cool… but Im still not gonna buy your car.”
“Dear Nissan, thank you for wasting 5 minutes of my life”


some personal favorites of mine:
“It took me half an hour to do beat it”
“At least I didn’t have to watch any ads in the beginning”


So guys, waste five minutes of your life (or half an hour) doing the funnest thing you’ll do all day… and see if you can get employee of the month lmao hahahaha ftw XD awesome WOOO!! lol meowwwwwwww *jumps the table* dun dun duuuun duuuh i am the donut master ftw:) OMG

Oh, and if we could ask a favor… On search, the last video has the most comments and is therefore coming up first! So if you guys could comment/like the first one so it starts showing up FIRST in search, that would be AWESOME! And we will repay you in lalipops and smiles…


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Chiat gets a creativity nod from Creativity!

This just in (…a few days ago…)

Our very own Chiat Los Angeles was named one of the five most creative agencies of 2010. Read the article.

We were already super proud to work here. Now we’re just happy to see Creativity has our back.

xo and lots of love to all you brilliant Pirates!

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GlenDyLaLi doodle all the day!

After working late, pulling an office all nighter, staying til 9pm on a Friday (which is our least favorite thing to do), working 20 hours this weekend (mystery solved), and coming in before 10am on Monday… after all that, we were stoked to have several productive meetings with our ACDs Glenn and Dylan today. They don’t send us back to the drawing board. They don’t typically kill our ideas before they’ve seen the light of day. They don’t make us fill our decks with only their ideas. Instead they LIKE our ideas, stick up for them, and tell us we’re doing a good job. Yay!

We’ve been working with these gents quite a lot lately on almost all of our 374 trazillion Nissan projects. So much so that our creative director Chris Adams gave us another nickname today… you guessed it! GlenDyLaLi!! I took the liberty of adding capitalization so you’d all understand. It’s an amalgamation of our names. Clever.

What’s cuter about this story, that we’ve adopted a couple of madmen who get/appreciate our adgirl ways? Or that Chris Adams nicknamed us again? Or maybe, in my overworked delusion, the fact that I’m able to find anything cute about anything at all??

xo, li

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Reading Photoshop Format…

After spending essentially the entire weekend (and week prior!) concepting, and the only time not concepting was sleeping and driving and – now – comping, this is what I have to deal with. “Reading Photoshop Format…” for God only knows how long. Cancel! Cancel!


PS At least our creative review went pretty well today!

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For shizzle this sizzle is fizzling…

That’s Michael Gross. He’s our producer. We’re making award show videos. It’s 1:16am. Chris Adams asked for a sizzle video. It’s turning into a fizzle video, which is why we’re still here at 1:16am, will be here far longer than 1:16am, and why Michael Gross, our producer, is facing AWAY from the screen, reading a magazine and cuddling with Penny. Can you blame him?

When we entered this makeshift edit bay at noon today, it was immaculate (well, as immaculate as any room at this agency). And now it is filled with sleeping animals, abandoned articles of clothing, discarded carryout boxes of food, more sleeping animals, whining girls, a random fallen peach gummy wrapper in the hallway outside (how did that get there?), a paper trail of changing notes and a little bit of buzzing in our editor’s ear while directing her work over her shoulder all up in her grill. Bah! Just one moment of lali surround think where we both simultaneously thought that even though the font size on that title card was larger than the rest maybe we should actually enlarge it EVEN MORE instead of making it smaller. That’s cuz we think big, people!

Needless to say, we are slobs. Slobs with a video that instead of sizzling is fizzling, just like our energy levels.

Now back to frame ****ing. Party on.

la la la la late!

PS We thought we were going to work late concepting (which we obviously haven’t gotten to yet) so li thought she may have a sleepover at my house so she didn’t have to drive all the way back to Long Beach. It looks like now we may be having a sleepover at TBWA\Chiat\Day and Night instead…

PPS li got a head start on that sleepover while we finally started on edit option 2 shortly before 1am. Look familiar?


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the Mystery Meeting

Yesterday, while running around trying to finish our award show submission video (vote for lali!) our creative director Chris Adams informs us:

“Don’t stay up late concepting [this new assignment they gave us before Christmas]…”

I think to myself YAY!

“…because we’re putting you on a bunch of new stuff due asap.”

I think to myself EEK.

Come to find out our other assignments are still due, but in addition, the entire Nissan team will be kicking it into high gear on a whole bunch of rush projects due soon. What projects, you ask? We won’t know until our Mystery Meeting scheduled for tomorrow. So… stand by!

xo, li


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Turning not-30 is fun!

Can anyone think of a better way to ring in 29 than singing poorly with your girlfriends at a dive bar in LA? It’s hard to say what the best part was… watching the elderly regulars duet, do-si-do-ing with the guy in the wheelchair, mistaking the sweet cocktail waitress for a hooker…

According to all the pictures we took, I was really into my ice cream cone HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloon, which was tied to my wrist all night and helped give me the courage to sing and dance in front of strangers:

A low point in the night was when the balloon became detached from me, which seemed to have made me really stressed:

Luckily, one male friend had snuck into our “girls only” karaoke night and LUCKILY he’s very tall. “Hobart” (or “tall guy” as he’s also referred to in the above video) saved the day and rescued my balloon from the ceiling. Phew!

All in all, it was a wonderful way to ring in the final year of my twenties. So wonderful that I slept on La’s couch last night and am wearing her clothes today at work.

PS if you’re dying to know how terribly lali karaokes, suffer through this:

AND, if you ask sweetly enough, I can show you evidence of Sasha singing Madonna, JDB rapping to the Gorillaz, LJ speed singing REM and barely missing a word, and La channeling her inner Lisa Loeb. What a fun night with great friends!

Love you all!



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Our Juke iAd is TheFWA Mobile of the Day!

Remember this? Well, blog readers, you may not, but we certainly do. Months of our lives. Countless wireframes and copydecks and PSDs and revisions and meetings and meetings about meetings and on and on.

Well, thankfully for this project, all that hard work paid off in a little bit of good press.

TheFWA’s Mobile of the Day! Woot woot! So now we can give ourselves a virtual pat on the back and get back to doing it all over again.

Oh! And the best PS to this post is that we also made it as Creativity’s Pick of the Day!

In advertising, someone said you have to celebrate immediately, because everything can fall apart the next day. And if this past year is a testament to that, li and I should crack open one of those bottles of champagne we got from vendors for Christmas, and kind of immediately…



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The best automotive ads of 2010 – brought to you by Nissan?

So the Detroit Bureau posted an article about the top twenty automotive ads of the past year. And the above blog post title was their subhead.

Here’s a quote:

“What was astonishing to me — and will be to most ad types in both agencies and client offices — was the dominance of one brand: Nissan. As you will see Nissan/Infiniti television commercials, which are created and produced by TBWA Chait-Day, of Los Angeles, took eight, yes 8, of the top 20 television commercials.”

So number one was a brand spot called “Wouldn’t It” (woot woot Michael and Shawna!) but number six on the list was from yours truly!

It was our first spot with Chris and Margaret and our first big Nissan work. So you could say it started our journey working on Nissan. And this time last year we were in the middle of producing it!

So, check out the blog from back in April and our number 6 Ace Metrix scoring car commercial from last year!



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