Monthly Archives: July 2010

fancy events require fancy shoes

few things justify lali wearing heels. rubbing elbows with cool industry creatives is one of them.

lali attended AICP last night. tickets courtesy of moxie (thank you), limo ride courtesy of the whitehouse (thank you too!) and champagne courtesy of one of our favorite Chiat producers, chris spencer.

the folks in advertising work really hard, so they play really hard too. we’re so glad we could take a couple hours out of our working schedule (yeah, we’ve been busy and hence us not blogging for a week) to go to one of these events. the most fun part, however, is catching up with people we knew at our old agencies and seeing where they are now. like an industry family reunion.

case in point, allegra bartlett kindly donated her high heeled foot to our photo for the blog. thanks allegra! let’s schmooze again sometime soon!


PS hobart, we owe you a lalipop and probably a lot more for being our knight in a somewhat shining pick up truck for two adgirls who couldn’t walk in their high heels by the end of the night.


Filed under lali

why is li wearing the same outfit today as yesterday?

We work at TBWA\Chiat\Day. Sometimes called Chiat Day. And on other times, Chiat Day and Night.

I left late last night. And when I came in this morning, li was in the same position she was in when I left, only with a blanket. Wearing the same clothes. And amazingly, also still wearing a smile.

xo li, how do you manage to be perpetually cheerful!?


Filed under lali

lali lessons in advertising: #1 partner maintenance
la returned from hawaii and brought me this toy car! i am very happy she’s back, and not a moment too soon. things are pretty crazy around here.

lali lessons in advertising #1: partner maintenance
when you go on vacation and your partner holds down the fort, always be sure to come back to the office bearing a thoughtful, contextually-relevant gift.

xo, li


Filed under lali lessons

Good meeting.

Matching account guys Patrick and James appear to be giddy after a successful meeting with high-level Nissan execs and lawyers.

Another hurdle cleared! Might our spot actually begin airing late August? Knock on wood!!

xo, li

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Filed under lali

lali appreciates our producers!

I am on a beach in Hawaii. Awesome.

And our wonderful producers have been sending me iPhone-friendly and therefore beach-friendly quicktimes of edits to review. It almost sent me overboard on my nausea-inducing raft excursion around some cliffs, but no worries, I made it ashore safely. Chris Spencer and Carrie, you da best.

Now where is my mango bellini?


PS li, I am sure you are holding it down for both of us at Chiat Day.


Filed under lali

quote of the day
while editing our spot today, CD margaret keene says “love it, don’t change a thing.”

now that’s a rare moment to savor …til tomorrow.

xo to la in hawaii who’s watching quicktimes on her iphone,

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Filed under lali

multi-tasking aficionados

shooting yesterday was super fun. however, that was a sunday and today is a monday. the normal work week has resumed and that means one thing… multi-tasking.

while we’d rather be sitting in director chairs eating kraft services and watching playback of fire crackers, st. bernards, and mashed potatoes, we’re actually watching with one eye and doing or regular job with the other. lauren just plowed through a tedious client call and missed the snail scene. sad. later on we’ll be pulled away to review rough cuts of our other campaign, print layouts for this other thing, and at some point we have to come up with some new ideas for some other stuff.

the occupational hazard of multi-tasking is that sometimes (if you’re watching dailies and licking envelopes to the thank you notes from your last production) you get a paper cut on your lip.

BUT, here is la relaxing on set for about 3 seconds. living the dream!

xo, li

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Filed under lali

Director Quote of the Day

I am innocently sending work emails in video village, and our director runs over, unplugs my juice, steals my computer and says (in a French accent of course): “Can I look at your porn?”


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Filed under lali

Big Ideas Need Big Lights

Lali is on set today. This morning, la showed up fifteen minutes early, but failed to open a production map and therefore parked in the wrong place, had to move her car, and ended up being forty-five minutes late. However, in those first few minutes, she snapped some shots of the production guys setting up.

It always amazes us that so many of our ideas are these abstract thoughts, visualized only in our heads. Then finally, after hundreds die, one gets sold, we pick directors, go through casting and pre pros and all that stuff, and show up on the day of production….

To a bunch of trucks and 150 people all working on our idea. Of course, half the people have no idea who we are, and we’re the ones that slow things up by asking them to cut in closer to the badging and we need five more takes because that mud just wasn’t splashing enough and whatnot… However, it’s exciting.

So big lights, big trucks, fancy port-o-potties, French directors, phantom cameras (google that baby, it’s amazing!), lots of food and lots of sweaty PAs and guys with walkies talkies and two days of 12-hour shoots and somehow, we’ll get a :30s spot.


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Filed under lali

Being in production is fun :)


As you can see, our YUM dinner with Partizan tonight required many glasses. Nothing brings the team together like a pre-pro pep rally over steak and good wine.

Stay tuned!
xo, li


Filed under lali