Monthly Archives: February 2011

La finds my newfound iPhone love “cute”

Many of you out there have had iPhones for like 47 years now. Especially if you happen to work in a super cool industry like advertising, you know how important they are to your productivity and social standing. Well, as of about two weeks ago, I officially joined the club. That’s right, I am no longer a droid-toting pariah. I am the proud owner of a magenta-cased iPhone 4.

La’s iPhone has been a huge part of our working life. Her hipstamatic has documented the majority of our most important moments (as described here). And left up to me, we never would have been able to quality check our iAd while it was in development, as iAds do not work on droids.

Now that I’ve caught up to the rest of my peers technologically, I have some serious time to make up for! I take lots and lots of high-quality photos (mostly of smoothies, La, and my dogs):

I Path my photos so everyone knows my who, what, when, and where:

I facebook message friends pressuring them to Path, too:

I attempt to like foursquare:

I struggle less when it comes to keeping my life in order:

I know when to wear rainboots:

And I decompress after a long, long, long day of work:

I’d like to thank La for being my sherpa through the world of iPhones. Not only has she helped me decide what apps to download and inspired me to be an early adopter, she has clearly taught me how to make phone screengrabs :) Yay!

xo to my snowbunny partner who is halfway to Mammoth by now,


Filed under lali

Chris Adams and Margaret Keene – We will miss you so much!

So, this article was posted today on Adweek:

Updated: Saatchi Poaches Top Creative Team From TBWA\Chiat\Day
Margaret Keene and Chris Adams expected to be co-ecds

(read article)

We found out yesterday. Had tearful conversations on the phone with Margaret and Chris. Felt incredibly sad they were leaving us. Then felt incredibly happy they were leaving us for something good. This is such a great opportunity for them. ECDs. Running Saatchi’s second biggest account. As they’ve been with Chiat 20 years and 15 years respectively, it’s crazy that they’re leaving and they wouldn’t leave unless it was something amazing. And it will be. Leading 70 creatives. Big budgets for an 18 vehicle lineup. Toyota & Saatchi, you are lucky. Did I say ECDs?!? They are going to do such great work and be in an atmosphere to do such great work and we are so proud of them and happy for them.

Now to us. We’re going to be missing potentially the best creative directors we’ve ever worked for. Two amazing leaders with great minds. We never feel like we’re working FOR them, but always WITH them. I’ve never seen either of them angry. Margaret has a way of walking into an edit bay and making everyone just FEEL good. Chris has a way of using the fewest amount of words to inspire you to do incredible work. We’ve grown with them, gone through advertising hell and back with them, learned from them, admired them, drank with them, and done great work with them. They have set the bar incredibly high for the Nissan work – the best work the brand has done in years – and we owe our successes from the past year to their leadership. There’s some sort of magic about Chris and Margaret… And truly, we don’t love them just because they’re great creative directors (which they are) but also because they are great people. We’re going to miss both of them immensely.

It’s still a shock, and we haven’t fully processed what this is going to do to our lives and our emotions. But we couldn’t be happier for them (tinged with sadness for ourselves!) and to all you Saatchi people out there – YOU ARE SO LUCKY! When Chris and Margaret first became our creative directors, everyone said: “You are so lucky, everything they touch turns to gold.” So again, you Saatchi people: YOU ARE SO LUCKY! EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH TURNS TO GOLD!”

xo to our creative directors, we love you and will miss you,

PS And this just in, Agency Spy got the story…. here it is. Although not as heartfelt and sweet as our post!
PPS I wish I’d taken more pictures of these two, but Margaret always refuses and says: Don’t blog this! But since we won’t have you around the office anymore to snap pictures of and blog… here’s our last hurrah!


Filed under lali, lali bosses

Spam or Fan… you decide.

Great news, la, we’ve gone viral:

WordPress would have us believe this recent comment was spam. Maybe I beg to differ! Maybe I think we are a very skilled blogger! Clearly.

posicionamiento seo, wherever you are out there, we think YOUR post are magnificent, too :)

xo and blushing, li


Filed under lali

Let’s get social!
Plastic-office-party glasses up in celebration of the big news… Chiat just won the Nissan social media business!! Party aftermath pictured above.

Maybe it’s all the brilliant social media ideas La and I have been pitching for the last year and four months that finally won them over :)

xo and status updating,

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Filed under lali

I sure hope we’re funny……

On, videos are either funny or they DIE. Based on the hilarity of these candids from the shoot, we should be ok, right???

And sure, we had to work through the weekend, including Super Bowl Sunday, but at least we got this hot lali band photo :)

xo with laundry, clowns, and torque vectoring all-wheel drive,

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Filed under lali

lali lessons in advertising #5: people don’t care about advertising as much as we do

So obviously, we’re ad girls. We care a lot about advertising. We’ve spent over hundred hour weeks caring a lot about advertising. We kind of have to, it kind of has to be worth it or else, jeese, what are we doing with our lives?

When we stress about branding on the top and bottom of banner ads, logo consistency, logo violations, view counts, making the frown lines stand out on the hood of the Altima, whether the mud makes a squish rather than a squash, countless hours in an edit bay to make changes (the difference between edit v. 12 and edit v 145 at the end of the day is something no one but us will notice), concept testing, how we can extend this idea to foursquare, whether we’re really speaking to the target, and on and on and on… Sometimes its nice to remind ourselves that no one will care as much as we do. Let’s face it. Besides us, who really uses foursquare besides us anyway?

Sometimes it’s sad how much caring we do, sometimes it’s good. Because that’s just our job. All the effort that goes into that 7 second animation of a banner ad, a 30 second TV spot, a Facebook application, even a 360 campaign, pays off because we care.

But really, sometimes it’s refreshing to step back and go, it’s just advertising.

That’s why we’ve got sites like this one, “Things Real People Don’t Say About Advertising.”

Take a look, and if you work in advertising, have a laugh. The stock photography combined with the catch phrases had lali LOLing quite a bit in the past couple weeks. It’s funny because it hits too close to home.

Enjoy a couple here:

And check out the tumblr site here:

Now back to making logos bigger and overthinking everything we do!


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Filed under lali, lali lessons